
We are sorry!
Sometimes we can not take all phone calls and can not check your messages timely.
And Quandoo booking is sometimes closed due to the altered seating layouts at both restaurants during corona time.

However, we try our best to check these accounts below at least several times a day!!

So, if no one is answering the phone,
please get in touch with us via;

★★★FB Messenger:
(Westend) Ramen Jun Frankfurt/(City) Ramen Jun Red

★★★Instagram Message:
(Both Westend and City) Ramen Jun Frankfurt

★★★Quandoo Message:
Just click the icon ”Reservation” on top of the page.
(Westend)Ramen Jun Westend/(City) Ramen Jun Red

★E-mail messages usually take longer to be answered.

Thank you for your understanding.
We do hope things go beyond the past and pandemic to have a bright future together.

Looking forward to serving you!!
Your Team Ramen Jun